CSBP: Gauge nutrient uptake with plant sampling
With some good rain finally making an appearance across the growing region, crops are coming up, and pastures are recovering. This brings the opportunity to carry out CSBP NUlogic Plant Analysis to assess crop and pasture health by analysing the current concentration of nutrients in the plants.
Getting more time & enjoyment back in farming
Getting more time & enjoyment back in farming
WMG CEO Nathan Craig discusses helping farmers manage risk and reduce stress, the RiskWi$e Project, and focusing on the ‘1%ers’ in farm businesses - small changes that can lead to significant improvements in time management and profitability.
Stacking soil amendments and amelioration to increase yield & improve soil health
Stacking soil amendments and amelioration to increase yield & improve soil health
Despite a dry start to the season, the Wathingarra Future Carbon Project trial site, investigating stacked soil amendments and amelioration methods, has seen successful plant establishment across all plots.
Legumes in agricultural systems: A background
Legumes in agricultural systems: A background
Learn all about legumes and their role in agricultural systems in the first of a series of researched and collated articles being produced as part of the Grain Legumes Project.
Early results from the K Extension Project trial site
Early results from the K Extension Project trial site
Early results from the K Extension Project trial site are showing the impact of early post emergent ripping on different crop varieties, with these initial insights forming part of our ongoing exploration into potassium requirements for the region.
Soil amelioration & water repellence: Investigating the next generation of strategies
Soil amelioration & water repellence: Investigating the next generation of strategies
Learn about one of our newest projects focusing on soil amelioration and developing the next generation of strategies to combat soil water repellence and improve long-term soil health, including a look at our first site's progress and a short drone video of some amelioration in action!
Farewell from Melanie Dixon
Farewell from Melanie Dixon
After 3 years of incredible work with our members, community and team at WMG, Mixed Farming Systems Officer Melanie Dixon is moving on. Read her farewell letter here.
CSBP: Urea Sustain boosts yields and improves NUE
Nitrogen losses from ammonia volatilisation, denitrification and leaching have become an area of concern as growers look to decrease environmental impacts and improve profitability. CSBP Senior Agronomist Peter Rees discusses how Urea Sustain boosts yields and improves NUE.
RSM: Federal Budget offers temporary support but lacks long-term structural solutions
RSM Australia Director of Business Advisory Kieran Sullivan discusses the 2024 Federal Budget and it's lack of substantial changes or reforms to the Australian tax system.
Rabobank: Latest Farmland Outlook Podcast
Rabobank: Latest Farmland Outlook Podcast
Rabobank’s latest Farmland Outlook Podcast is now available. Join RaboResearch Senior Analyst Ben Picton and Vítor Pistóia as they discuss Australian farmland prices and what can be expected for the year ahead.
New WMG Plan Tackling the Elephant in the Room
New WMG Plan Tackling the Elephant in the Room
WMG CEO Nathan Craig discusses project delivery changes to address evolving farmer and industry needs, including a look at the new WMG model connecting farmers with targeted practices, boosting adoption and project success.
Early Post Emergent Deep Ripping: An option for 2024?
Early Post Emergent Deep Ripping: An option for 2024?
With the lack of significant rainfall over Summer and Autumn, farmers may be considering early post emergent deep ripping in 2024. WMG investigated early post-emergent ripping for grain yield benefit across the Wheatbelt in 2021 and share the key learnings in this article.
Lessons from the Gillingarra FEED365 trial site
Lessons from the Gillingarra FEED365 trial site
The Gillingarra FEED365 site explores combining perennial and annual pasture species for optimal forage. Discover how these trials improve year-round grazing and productivity while managing costs and to learn about the practical outcomes and plans for the 2024 season.
New Trial Sites for the K Extension Project
New Trial Sites for the K Extension Project
In 2024 the K Extension Project will shift its focus to physical trial sites, with a new site being established in Dandaragan and an historical site being followed, applying the learnings gained across last year.