Flexible & Diverse Mixed Farming Systems

Leearna Farm 645 Wolba Road, Dandaragan, Western Australia, Australia

Join Graham Johnson to share in his experience in setting up a diverse mixed farming system. A farmer discussion event covering: Multispecies pasture management Perennials & Tagasaste Systems Rotational grazing Shelter belts - value? When: 2:00pm, Wednesday 28th February 2024 Where: 645 Wolba Road,  Dandaragan - ‘Leearna Farm’ RSVP: Text your name to 0438 924Continue reading "Flexible & Diverse Mixed Farming Systems"


Evolving Soil Testing Catch-up

An on-farm discussion session with Evolving Soil Testing Project participants and Joy Sherlock of Valle Agribusiness and Environmental Services. Examining and discussing the soil testing focus areas and results of project participants for the 2023 season and plans for 2024. More details to follow.


Crop Nutrition Day & WMG AGM

Dandaragan Community Recreation Club 3550 Dandaragan Rd, Dandaragan, Western Australia, Australia

After a below average season last year and low profitability of livestock at present, this event will give the chance to ask questions among farmers, research, industry & WMG to sharpen your decisions and improve the profitability of your cropping enterprise this year. 
