About Us

Our History

20+ years of helping farmers across the West Midlands region of Western Australia become more resilient.
2003 – Our origins

West Midlands Group started life in 2003 as the West Midlands Natural Resource Group after several Land Conservation District Committees (LCDC) in the region amalgamated. The focus in the early days was on supporting landholders to manage and protect the on-farm natural resources of the region, and much of the focus was on the protection of waterways through revegetation and the control of the invasive weed, spiny rush.

In 2008, the group identified that there were broader on-farm natural resource issues that were affecting production, and this led to the group pivoting its focus towards agricultural research, development and extension. This led to the formation of the West Midlands Group (WMG) as it is now known today to join the 44 other grower groups across the region.

2010 – Growing for members

The activities of the period between 2010 and 2018 were largely focussed on finding solutions for the largest natural resource and production issue of the region – the presence of soil water repellence. This was reducing crop and pasture production by causing uneven germination and growth and was steadily increasing its effect across the region. Through leading on-farm research and demonstrations in the region in partnership with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD, formerly DAFWA), successful strategies such as mouldboard ploughing and spading were identified to reduce the impact of this issue. At this peak in innovation, there were 120 businesses as members of the group that were actively involved in this quest to solve this significant production issue. 

During this time, the diversity and potential of the region was also becoming clear the group. Access to water for irrigation was supporting the diversification of many farms to widen production to include cropping, sheep, cattle, potatoes, citrus, mango, carrot, garlic, and loose-leaf vegetable production. The region also has many organic, biodynamic, and regenerative agriculture focussed producers as well as several branded products coming from the region.

2016 – Supporting our region

The group has focussed strongly since 2016 on developing capacity in the organisation to be able to support our diverse regional community. The research and development team produce high quality data from locally run trials and demonstrations to support members decision-making processes. The extension arm of WMG has refined the delivery of events and direct engagement with growers to assist with the adoption of new technology and practices. The WMG has taken the lead among other grower groups in delivering industry-based projects that deliver regional and state-based outcomes. 

A strong emphasis on communicating what we do has underpinned the development of a communications platform that delivers on our mission of timely and relevant information to support the economic, environmental, and social sustainability of our members. This includes active print, social media, monthly e-newsletters, the WMG Quarterly technical newsletter, and knowledge hub website to hold information for the future needs of the farming community in the region.

2021 – Focusing & evolving

The WMG recognises many of the challenges that are faced by our region’s farmers in the next decade. The development of frameworks, strategies, and goals across industries to guide industries to a future in 2030 that achieves triple bottom line sustainability – economic, environmental, and social sustainability. They give a signal of where we likely need to be in 2030 to be competitive in the world market. These frameworks aim to mitigate the future threats of a variable climate, ethical farm production, maintaining profitability to be competitive in a global market in 2030. 

In the wake of the disruption caused by COVID-19, the world could potentially be moving away from globalisation, where interests are aligned with creating wealth, towards a world based on shared values. This approach is likely to change the way global organisations, and even countries, align themselves within the world and who they work with.  

As these frameworks become widely adopted and used by industry, the WMG will be working to ensure that information delivered will allow our members to exceed the sustainability indicators in these frameworks. In 2030, these sustainability frameworks and indicators will not pose a threat to WMG members as we will have surpassed them by doing what we do best – working together to create a sustainable and connected farming community.

Our Team

Nathan Craig

Chief Executive Officer

Nathan Craig hails from a family farm in Western Victoria where he spent the first seven years of his career as farm manager on their mixed enterprise (sheep and crop) farm. He has a strong background in annual and perennial pasture management, livestock production as well as the development of a cropping enterprise that worked synergistically with the pasture system. Nathan has recently completed a PhD at UWA on “Plant available nitrogen in monoculture wheat under long-term no tillage”.

Mob: 0438 924 208

Simon Kruger

Project Communications Officer

Originally hailing from Dandaragan, Simon has returned to the region he grew up in to pursue a career in agricultural extension and communications with the West Midlands Group. He has completed a Bachelor of Arts (Mass Communications) specialising in digital design from Curtin University and is passionate about problem solving, user experience, innovation, accessibility and education. Nearing 3 years into his role at WMG, he continues to bring his thirst for knowledge and unique skillset to the WMG team and region.

Mob: 0420 729 055
Email: extension@wmgroup.org.au

Kate Parker

Project Officer

Hailing from Perth, Kate has completed a Bachelor of Agricultural Science in Animal Science from Murdoch University. Displaying a keen eye for detail and high quality research, Kate quickly moved from her graduate position into the full-time Project Officer role in 2024. New to the agricultural industry, Kate is passionate about supporting positive and viable innovations in agriculture and is looking forward to bringing her hard working attitude and skills to the West Midlands Group team.

Mob: 0459 353 840 

Our Board

Acting Chair

Duncan farms with his parents, Ray and Rose in Dandaragan and Cataby. They run a mixed farming operation consisting of 70% sheep and 30% crop. Duncan studied a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Western Australia and also complete a chartered accountancy.


Declan is an agribusiness professional with extensive pastoral cattle and agribusiness finance experience. Spending time as a child at his aunt and uncle’s farm at Warradarge developed a strong connection with the region and passion for agriculture and ultimately led him to a career in the sector. Declan hopes to contribute to the sustainable growth of agriculture through innovation in technology and management. He holds an Associate Degree in Agribusiness from Curtin (Muresk), a Graduate Certificate in Commerce from the University of Sydney and is nearing the completion of his Master of Business Administration at the University of Western Australia. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has recently completed the Company Director’s Course.


Third-generation farmer, Tim Hayes farms with his father David and wife Erin on their mixed farming operation in Eganu. The Hayes family are considered pioneers of soil amelioration with a long history of experimenting with different techniques. Tim is also a qualified electrician. 

Board Member

Joining the West Midlands Group Board in 2023, Alana has lived in Moora since 2017 and has a substantial amount of experience in agriculture, having worked for two large local growers, Afgri, and currently as the Summit Fertilizers Area Manager.

Nearing completion of her Degree in Agriculture through the University of New England, Alana has a passion for the West Midlands region along with a love of farming and agriculture.