West Midlands Group

We help make farming easier.

A snapshot of some of the more significant regional trends in soil health
Summit Fertilizers' 2023-24 soil analysis reveals significant improvements in pH levels across the North Midlands region. This article highlights key trends in pH, phosphorus, and potassium content, offering insights to help optimise fertiliser use and soil health.
How can amelioration affect crop uptake of nutrients in gravel soils?
Explore how soil amelioration methods like deep ripping and inversion tillage impact nutrient uptake in gravel soils with results and analysis from the Dandaragan Soil Water Repellence Project trial site.
Exploring Novel Soil Amendments in the Future Carbon Project
At the Future Carbon Project trial site, novel soil amendments like Ironman Gypsum, Compost, Biochar, and Frass are being stacked with amelioration methods. Read on to learn more about their characteristics and possible benefits to soil health.
Adapting Grazing Strategies for Year-Round Success
A challenging start to 2024 emphasised the importance of flexible grazing strategies at the Warradarge Feed365 Project site. Explore how plans have adapted to make the most of available resources.
Reflecting on a Year of Transformation and Success
As the year ends, WMG CEO Nathan Craig reflects on what may be one of our most successful years yet, marked by sustainable growth, community building, and innovative changes that have positively impacted our organisation and members.
How does crop species influence subsoil potassium cycling?
Investigate how different crop species influence subsoil potassium cycling and the impact of deep ripping on potassium uptake and biomass production with results from the K Extension Project Yathroo trial site.
Capturing the benefit of increased plant growth following amelioration
How can we get the most out of increased plant biomass in the first year of soil amelioration? Read on to explore insights for grain-and-graze, hay production and other mixed farming systems.
Can stubble management strategies help maintain groundcover?
Learn how the demonstration trials in the Stubble Management Project are helping farmers maintain over 50% groundcover, reducing erosion risks and improving soil health even in dry years.

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Visualising Australasia's Soils Project - Phase 2
Visualising Australasia's Soils Project - Phase 2 Aiming to make Australasian soils data visible and reusable. ...
The Knowledge Sharing Project
The Knowledge Sharing Project Super charging the knowledge sharing and extension efforts of grower groups to imp...
The Future Carbon Project
The Future Carbon Project Using living plant systems and modern farming methods to sequester soil organic carbon...
The Feed365 Project
The Feed365 Project Increasing livestock returns by grazing quality forage all year round with minimal supplemen...
The RiskWi$e Project
The RiskWi$e Project Supporting on-farm decision making strategies, better understanding risk and providing simp...
The Stubble Management Project
The Stubble Management Project Maximising groundcover with crop stubble to aid climate resilience. Retaining ...
The BeefLinks Backgrounding Project
The BeefLinks Backgrounding Project What is backgrounding? Backgrounding describes the process where livestoc...