Our Projects

The Soil Amelioration Project

Exploring management options for ameliorating non-wetting soils in the West Midlands region.

The Grain Legumes Project

Closing the Economic Yield Gap of Grain Legumes in WA.

The K Extension Project

Determining optimal potassium levels & management options for the West Midlands region.

The Stubble Management Project

Maximising groundcover with crop stubble to aid climate resilience.

The Evolving Soil Testing Project

Supporting farmers and land managers across the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia to evolve their soil testing programs.

The RiskWi$e Project

Supporting on-farm decision making strategies, better understanding risk and providing simple risk management tools to maximise returns.

The Feed365 Project

Increasing livestock returns by grazing quality forage all year round with minimal supplementary feeding.

The Future Carbon Project

Using living plant systems and modern farming methods to sequester soil organic carbon, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve soil fertility.

The Knowledge Sharing Project

Super charging the knowledge sharing and extension efforts of grower groups to improve new innovation uptake and best-practice soil management.

Visualising Australasia’s Soils Project

Aiming to make Australasian soils data visible and reusable.

The Remote Sensing Pastures Project

Groundcover at your fingertips: Remote sensing and satellite imagery for informed natural resource management.

The Rotational Grazing Project

Increasing perennial grass production and soil groundcover through rotational grazing: A five year project.

The BeefLinks Backgrounding Project

Building a higher value beef supply chain in WA by linking pastoral beef to high-value markets through new backgrounding systems.